Functional nutrition for modern women

FUNCTIONAL nutrition for modern women
Hi, I'm Diana.

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
I help women build healthy relationships with food and find inner harmony.

I educate clients how to use food as a medicine to get rid of acne, restore hormones and the heal the gut.

I develop bio-individual meal pans and help establish connection between personal growth and nutrition. When they are in balance and harmony, we are really healthy and happy.

That's what I call functional nutrition.

Hi, I'm Diana.

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
I help women build healthy relationships with food and find inner harmony.

I educate clients how to use food as a medicine to get rid of acne, restore hormones and the heal the gut.

I develop bio-individual meal pans and help establish connection between personal growth and nutrition. When they are in balance and harmony, we are really healthy and happy.

That's what I call functional nutrition.


Step by step system to your own health.
I graduated from the Integrative Nutrition Institute in New York where I studied innovative coaching methods, lifestyle management practices and over 100 dietary theories.

I am currently studying at the CNM Institute of Naturopathy in London as a Nutrition Therapist.

I offer signature nutrition programs and organise retreats in Italy.

Knowledge, personal experience, ancient traditions and modern techniques help me build a step-by-step system for clients.

I went through the absence of a cycle, severe acne and ineffective treatment with steroids. With the help of functional and integrative nutrition, I not only restored my hormonal levels, but also adjusted my cycle and digestion.

I help women make friendship with nutrition, restore health and balance. Every organism is a complete system. And if something went wrong, I look for the root of the problem.
I help women make friendship with nutrition, restore health and balance. Every organism is a complete system. And if something went wrong, I look for the root of the problem.
I graduated from the Integrative Nutrition Institute in New York where I studied innovative coaching methods, lifestyle management practices and over 100 dietary theories.

I am currently studying at the CNM Institute of Naturopathy in London as a Nutrition Therapist.

I offer signature nutrition programs and organise retreats in Italy.

Design of a step-by-step bio-individual meal plan strategy
Signature 3 Month Functional Nutrition Coaching Program
Signature 3 Month Functional Nutrition Coaching Program
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Rome, Italy
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